Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dome Work:

I finally decided it was time to work on my 300 mm dome. Cole and Daren did a great job on these and even though they come laser cut, there is still a fair bit of cutting and de-burring of each panel. I started by labeling each panel, hopefully making reassembly easier. I cut out each panel with a small hack saw. Then used a small metal file to smooth down all the tabs left by the laser cutter. I then used a small emery board to smooth out all the edges of the panels and the corresponding cut outs on the dome. I also wanted to smooth out the spin lines left by the tooling machine, so I used my trusty mouse sander and sanded down the dome. Staring with 80 grit paper, I moved down to 120, then 220 grit. I'll finish off with medium and fine steel wool to hopefully get an even mat finish. Notice the switches I picked up from Allelectronics for use as my dome bumps. I think they look great. Not sure yet if I will actually have them control anything yet. Once the panels are all prepped, I can move on to priming and painting.